Independent Hospitals – Families share their experiences
We have heard so many heartbreaking and horrific stories over the last few years from families who have loved ones held in inappropriate in-patient settings.
Due to the number of people we have met with similar experiences we felt the bad practice their sons & daughters were subjected to was far more than coincidence.
Families Share their Experiences
We decided to focus on two in-patient settings – Hospital X & Hospital Y.
We had a number of responses from people unable to attend due to personal circumstances. Many of the parents and family members are unable to travel long distances and face incredible amounts of stress. Many have tried for a long time to challenge the system and have put in formal complaints, serious case reviews and are now thoroughly despondent, lacking energy and can no longer “fight” back. Their individual battles and experiences have led to their own post traumatic stress, anger and tiredness. Some of them have had huge expenses as a result and many are unable to work.
We received a small grant to pay for travel costs and expenses and are very appreciative to The Experts by Experience Programme through Choice Support for enabling this to happen. Kim Arnolds was able to attend our meeting and we value her support.
What was discussed?
The wide-ranging discussion was necessarily limited by the short length of time we had together. The topics that arose reflect the most pressing concerns of the five families attending. There are many other concerns we were not able to discuss within the time constraints.
Each of the sections below gives a summary of the main topics of conversation, illustrated by direct quotes from family members, & followed by recommendations relating to that particular topic.
The main themes discussed include:
- What goes wrong to ordinary children loved by ordinary families?
- Being sold the placement
- Accountability
- Medication
- Human rights issues
- Care Quality Commission
- Parent issues
- Best Practice Award
You can read the full report over on our reports page here or by clicking on the image below
Mum to three great kids, each with a different SEN.
Transplanted from the NW to the SE.
Co-founder and Director of Bringing Us Together