Meet the Parent Bloggers: Someone’s Mum
Today, we wanted to introduce you to the lovely Danielle of Someone’s Mum:
How long have you been blogging?
I started in January this year so I have been going nearly ten months.
Why did you start?
I was struggling to cope. My son, who was three at the time, had just been diagnosed as on the autism spectrum and I was finding managing the house, my job, and the kids, so hard. I found writing was a good outlet and something I loved.
Writing about autism is extremely cathartic. It helps me understand my own feelings, and my son, in a more constructive way.
What keeps you motivated to continue?
I have received so much support and made so many friends – both in the SEND blogging community and the wider blogging community. Receiving a message from someone who says they have felt the same makes me feel less alone. In addition to this, blogging has allowed me to do something that has been my dream since I was a child: write for a living.
Do you only blog about SEN?
I blog about all sorts of things these days but I do try to make sure that autism is still a strong focus.
If not what else do you chat about?
Mostly parenting issues but also education (as I am an ex-English teacher), reviews, days out, and things my family and I love.
What is your most popular blog post?
My most popular post is one about parenting and teaching, ‘Teaching: a family unfriendly profession’. It was read 150,000 times on my site and was then picked up by the TES, which was amazing.
My most popular post about SEND was ‘An apology to my autistic students’. That has been shared by so many wonderful people and was read 50,000 times on my site.
Looking back at those numbers is amazing. It’s so strange to think that so many people have written something I wrote!
What would you say to any parent considering starting a blog?
Think about your reasons for writing before you start. If you write a post from the heart, and share your experience, there are always people out there who will relate and who will feel a little less lonely to read about others experiencing the same.
What one tip would you share with them?
Be honest and write from the heart.
What one tip would you share with any parent about raising a child with SEND?
There is always a fight. Yes, looking after your child can be a struggle but there are a million other things to fight for too – the right support, the right therapies, help at school, a proper diagnosis… the list goes on and on. You must make sure you look after yourself and take all the help you can get. You need your strength to keep fighting and you shouldn’t have to fight alone.
What are you most proud of regarding your blog?
I am proud to have touched people. I am proud to hear from people who thank me for sharing, because I have expressed something they feel too. I am proud to have made even a single parent of a special needs child or person with a disability feel a little less alone, or more accepted, even for a moment.
Follow Danielle:
You can follow Danielle’s blog here
Or follow her Facebook Page here
Or on Twitter here
Meet the Parent Blogger
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Debs is one of the co-founders and Directors of Bringing Us Together. She is mum to three child with a variety of SEND and has a great husband.