Welcoming a new member to the BuT team.

Hello everyone, I’m Karen and I’m new to the Bringing us Together team. My role here will be to support the social media and blogging side so that I can help spread information and resources and keep us all connected.
The nutshell version of me.
I am a self-confessed geek who loves learning, I’m one of those people who will reach for a text book to read in her spare time, although spare time feels like an extinct entity these days. My professional background covers trauma nursing, nursing management, working with people who live with anxiety. Delivering training for Visits Unlimited specialising in communication verbal and non-verbal, Working with Women’s Aid as their Lancashire based training coordinator in domestic abuse and Paladin the national stalking agency in research and now I’m here with Bringing us Together.
But that aside I’m a mum of two beautiful boys I have a gorgeous almost 20-year old called James and he now lives in supported living which is hard for us as we have limited contact due to current restrictions but on the flip side of that he is able to attend and independently travelling to college twice a week and his care team in his home are phenomenal.
Then there’s my super amazing youngest son Lennon who is 10 (going on 20), he loves fell running, believes he’s Liverpool’s next star goal keeper, beats me every time at super Mario which is now quite annoying and loves RummiKub.
I’m a single mum juggling the current situation like everyone else as well as home schooling, managing James’s needs from afar, the home and of course I work which is probably why I require 2 cups of tea before I can even start my day but I do find time for trail running and I have no shame in confessing to learning to love Pyjama days.
I can’t wait to share some great things with you, collectively support through difficult times and be a part of a team that is hands down amazing.
Thank you for reading.
Karen x