Our Projects

What do Bringing Us Together do?  We are involved in many projects and have launched several guides and reports.

Stronger Together:

This is our work with families who have (or have had) a child or young person in an Assessment & Treatment Unit.

We work with a core group of families and feed into several boards and consultations within NHS England.

To find out more about Stronger Together work, head to the Stronger Together page.

BAPS – Bl**dy Awesome ParentS:

Every parent we meet is bl**dy awesome.  Even on the days when just getting out from under the duvet seems more than they can handle, they do it – time and time again.  We all know how easy it would be to just sink back in, pull the duvet up and hope it all sorts itself out but it never does.

We have lots of projects involving parent carers.

BAPS Blogging Awards

So many families find that writing about their experience helps them, and in turn helps others.  For many national Blog awards however, the only category we fit into is “inspirational” and let’s be honest, that can sometimes just feel like another burden to live up to.

So in 2017, along with My Family Our Needs, we launched the BAPS Blogging Awards.

You can find out more about the BAPS Awards by heading to our BAPS Awards page.

BAPS – Be a Blogger

When we launched the Awards, we were contacted by so many people who had always considered blogging but never got round to it as they didn’t know where to start.

We share some tips for those who wanted to start, along with tips on how to promote your blog and reach a larger audience.

BAPS – Get Organised

As any parent carer knows we are often just swamped with paperwork, appointments and trying to stay on top of everything.

We launched a whole series of tips and ideas on how to get ahead of the game so that the reports you need are where you expect them to be (and not hidden under a pile of paperwork that has seen a few trees suffer).

We have given tips on organising your time, your diary, your child or young person’s medication.

Head over to our BAPS – Get Organised page to find out more.

BAPS – Parent Carer Health

We ran a quick survey for families to tell us about their health and the impact that being a parent carer has on it.

The results will be shared early in 2018



Junk the Jargon

We are suggesting that parents and practitioners have “Junk the Jargon” boxes in their offices and in meetings.  Whenever jargon is used, a donation must be made to the pot.

The funds can then be passed to a good cause (so not only do parents and practitioners actually start speaking in a language we all understand, funds are raised for worthy causes)

Find out more on our Junk the Jargon page.