11 Steps to Success – Step 5 to 7

Last week, we looked at steps 1 to 4 of the 11 Steps to Success from Alan Wilson.

How did you get on?

Step 1 – Preparation

Step 2 – What are you good at?

Step 3 – What is good in your life now?

Step 4 – Wheel of Life.

Today, we are looking at Steps 5, 6 and 7

 Step 5 – Dream time!

Spend at least 10 minutes thinking about this one and let your imagination run away with you.

Write 3 lists:

Everything I want to do

Everything I want to have

Everything I want to be

Write down everything in your wildest dreams. Assume no limits of time or money.

So if money was no object and you had all the time in the world available, what would you want to do?  What would you want to have and what would you want to be?    Dream big or dream small, it’s entirely up to you.

Step 6 – What’s Important

Pick the six things you want most from the three lists and write them down (do not worry about the order or priority).

Under each one briefly write how, if you had it now, it would improve your life.

So, for example, if you chose I want to write a book giving tips to other families,  How would it improve your life?  Would it bring you a steady income?  Would it make you feel good that your book was out there helping others?  Would it feel good having it all down in black and white at last?

Step 7 – More Clarity

Transfer your ‘wants’ list to a sheet laid out below (you can download a pdf of this form by clicking on the image) and referring back to Your Wheel of Life (Step 4), ask yourself if you had this ‘want’ would it improve the  individual sections of your life?

For EACH section of your Circle of Life that you consider it will improve, give it a point in the Score box. Repeat this exercise for nos. 2-6. Finally, count up the scores for each of the chosen six ‘wants’.

So for example, if you had this “want”, would it improve your family life?  Would it improve your health, etc.  Do this for each “want”.

You may find that 2 or even 3 score the same, or there may be one thing that’s way above everything else. Focusing your attention and effort on the highest scoring topic(s) will have the greatest positive impact on your life as a whole and is a great place to start making some changes!

11 steps to success - step 5 to 7



Next time we will be looking at what to do next.  How to set yourself some SMART goals.

We would love to hear how you are doing.  Comment below or pop over to our Facebook page and let us know.

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Debs Aspland

Mum to three great kids, each with a different SEN. Transplanted from the NW to the SE. Co-founder and Director of Bringing Us Together

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