Crisis Prevention – A Survival Guide
In 2017, we published our first Survival Guide. A guide for families by families. The feedback on our guide to Care and Treatment Reviews was so positive. Families telling us what a difference it had made to their lives. How they felt prepared now to attend a Care and Treatment Review (CTR) whereas previously, they had felt overwhelmed and in some cases, quite scared.
If you have not seen the Guide and think it may be of use to you or a friend/colleague then you can find it here.
One of the things that became very clear though, from the feedback on our Guide, the feedback to our survey on the Parent Carer health and comments from our Stronger Together families was how they wished they had known how to avoid the crisis in the first place. For many, they believed that if they had been more informed, the situation may have ended differently.
Crisis Prevention
We are therefore really happy to share with you our latest Survival Guide. A guide for families by families looking at Crisis Prevention.
The guide shares advice and information on:
- Living with behaviour that challenges,
- Life Stage Trigger Points
- Keeping your loved one and others safe
- Overview of the Assessment and Review System
- Crisis Planning
- Getting the Right Support
- Dealing with Meetings
- How to look after you too
It also offers plans you can download (as a word document or as a pdf) to use.
- Back Up Plan
- Contacts
- Diary
- and more
The Guide also helps with a detailed glossary and a list of Acronyms (we know how people like their Acronyms)!
The Guide can be found on our Survival Guide page or by clicking on the image below.
We are delighted that Dame Christine Lenehan (Director, Council for Disabled Children) has provided the foreword to our Guide. Dame Christine has attended some of our Stronger Together events and as she explains, much of the impetus on the work of people and, specifically children, with autism and learning disabilities, which is now reflected in the NHS 10 year plan has come from the group.
Next month, we will be launching another Survival Guide. This one is around the world of SEND and Education. Again, many parents in our Parent Carer health survey said that education was one of the biggest causes of stress and many of our Stronger Together families told us that it went wrong in education and never seemed to get back on track.
We are hopeful that the guide will help families to navigate through the chaos of the SEND Education system.
This Crisis Prevention Guide would not have been possible without the wonderful Ian Penfold. The hours he has put into this guide has been astounding. We also want to thank Isabelle Garnett – his partner in crime, as it were. Isabelle helped to produce the content and her editing skills are something everyone would love access to. Thank you.
We also wish to thank Awards for All who provided the grant for us to produce the two guides.
Debs is one of the co-founders and Directors of Bringing Us Together. She is mum to three child with a variety of SEND and has a great husband.