What is resilience and how do you achieve it?

As families, we often hit hurdles and brick walls.  Even if we have an expert knowledge of legislation and statutory guidance, it doesn’t mean that we will sail through the system without a hitch.  Also, it doesn’t mean that those who work in the system actually know how to interpret the legislation and guidance so be prepared to hit some hurdles or brick walls.

When we hit the wall or find a hurdle to climb, we can often hit the ground and wonder how on earth we are going to get back up and carry on.  Everyone faces these, not just us, but let’s be honest, we definitely get more than our fair share.

Resilience:  the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties

We have talked briefly about Resilience on our blog before and it was one of the most popular posts on the site.  We shared ways to help you get back up, tips from other families who are in this crazy system with us.

Do you want to know more?  Do you want to work out a plan on how you can add these ways into your every day life and how they can work for you?

CMG Conference Finding Your Way 2016Then join us at our conference on 30 January in Surrey.  We will be running workshops on resilience for families, run by a family member who has learned how to use a variety of tips to help her get back up quicker and with less stress.

Find out more about the conference here


BuT Site Admin

Debs is one of the co-founders and Directors of Bringing Us Together. She is mum to three child with a variety of SEND and has a great husband.

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