Epilepsy & Learning Disability Workshop

Prevalence rates of epilepsy remain high in those with a learning disability compared to those without and epilepsy is a major cause of death among this population.

NHS England is looking to provide epilepsy pathway guidance to improve outcomes for those with a learning disability and would therefore appreciate your contribution.

Share your experience and views:

We would like to hear parent carer experiences with the care and management of epilepsy of a family member who also has a learning disability.

We will be holding a workshop from 10:00-14:00 on 19/10/17 in London (venue TBC).  You can follow updates on the event here

For those who cannot make that, we will also be hosting a FB Live event on 26 October from 8.30pm so you can still feed in your views and knowledge.  You can follow updates and get involved here

Epilepsy & LD Workshops



Debs Aspland

Mum to three great kids, each with a different SEN. Transplanted from the NW to the SE. Co-founder and Director of Bringing Us Together

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3 Responses

  1. Claire mulholland says:

    Hi I’m very interested to go to this my son Nathan is almost 5 he has epilepsy and moderate learning disabilities I come from n Ireland do I qualify in placement

  2. Sandra Ward says:

    NHS England held one of these events in Cornwall two weeks ago. It was great to share our experiences as Parents and Carers and I would highly recommend either attending or sharing your story to this event.

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